Source code for ajmc.commons.unicode_utils

"""This file contains unicode variables and functions which serve processing unicode characters."""

import re
import unicodedata
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable

from ajmc.commons.arithmetic import safe_divide

SUPERSCRIPT_MAPPING = {'⁰': '0', '¹': '1', '²': '2', '³': '3', '⁴': '4', '⁵': '5', '⁶': '6', '⁷': '7', '⁸': '8', '⁹': '9', '⁺': '+', '⁻': '-',
                       '⁼': '=', '⁽': '(', '⁾': ')', 'ⁿ': 'n', 'ª': 'a', 'ᵃ': 'a', 'ᵅ': 'a', 'ᵇ': 'b', 'ᵝ': 'b', 'ᶜ': 'c', 'ᵈ': 'd', 'ᵉ': 'e',
                       'ᶠ': 'f', 'ᵍ': 'g', 'ⁱ': 'i', 'ᵏ': 'k', 'ᵐ': 'm', 'ᵒ': 'o', 'ᵖ': 'p', 'ᵗ': 't', 'ᵘ': 'u', 'ᵛ': 'v', }
SUBSCRIPT_MAPPING = {'₀': '0', '₁': '1', '₂': '2', '₃': '3', '₄': '4', '₅': '5', '₆': '6', '₇': '7', '₈': '8', '₉': '9', '₊': '+', '₋': '-',
                     '₌': '=', '₍': '(', '₎': ')', 'ₐ': 'a', 'ₑ': 'e', 'ₒ': 'o', 'ᵢ': 'i', 'ⱼ': 'j', 'ₖ': 'k', 'ₗ': 'l', 'ₘ': 'm', 'ₙ': 'n',
                     'ₚ': 'p', 'ᵣ': 'r', 'ₛ': 's', 'ₜ': 't', 'ᵤ': 'u', 'ᵥ': 'v', 'ₓ': 'x', }

[docs] def harmonise_ligatures(text: str) -> str: text = text.replace('fi', 'fi') text = text.replace('fl', 'fl') text = text.replace('ff', 'ff') text = text.replace('ffi', 'ffi') text = text.replace('ffl', 'ffl') text = text.replace('ſt', 'ft') text = text.replace('st', 'st') return text
[docs] def harmonise_spaces(text: str) -> str: return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
[docs] def harmonise_punctuation(text: str) -> str: text = text.replace('═', '=') text = text.replace('‟', '"') text = text.replace('⸗', '—') text = text.replace('═', '=') text = text.replace('●', '•') text = text.replace('⟨', '〈') text = text.replace('⟩', '〉') text = text.replace('‐', '-') text = text.replace('‑', '-') text = text.replace('‒', '-') text = text.replace('―', '-') text = text.replace('‥', '..') text = text.replace('…', '...') text = text.replace('‧', '·') text = text.replace('′', "'") # prime text = text.replace('″', '"') # double prime text = text.replace('(', '(') text = text.replace(')', ')') text = text.replace('͵', ',') # greek lower numeral sign to comma) text = text.replace('ʹ', "'") text = text.replace('ʺ', '"') text = text.replace('ʻ', "'") text = text.replace('ʼ', "'") text = text.replace('ʽ', "'") text = text.replace('ˈ', "'") text = text.replace('ˊ', "'") text = text.replace('ˋ', "'") text = text.replace('ˌ', ",") text = text.replace('\x92', "'") return text
[docs] def harmonise_non_printable(text: str) -> str: text = text.replace('\x00', '') text = text.replace('\x01', '') text = text.replace('\x02', '') text = text.replace('\x03', '') text = text.replace('\x04', '') text = text.replace('\x05', '') text = text.replace('\x06', '') text = text.replace('\x07', '') text = text.replace('\x08', '') text = text.replace('\x92', "'") text = text.replace('ž', 'ï') text = text.replace('Ž', 'ï') text = text.replace('', 'ï') text = text.replace('­', '-') text = text.replace('­', '-') return text
[docs] def harmonise_miscellaneous_symbols(text: str) -> str: text = text.replace('ž', 'ï') text = text.replace('Ž', 'ï') text = text.replace('', 'ï') text = text.replace('­', '-') text = text.replace('­', '-') text = text.replace('⁓', '~') text = text.replace('∼', '~') text = text.replace('➳', '→') text = text.replace('⇒', '→') text = text.replace('⇔', '↔') text = text.replace('⇐', '←') text = text.replace('⇔', '↔') text = text.replace('➤', '→') text = text.replace('˖', '+') text = text.replace('ʼ', "'") text = text.replace('×', 'x') text = text.replace('‟', '"') text = text.replace('‛', "'") text = text.replace('ϰ', 'κ') text = text.replace('ϱ', 'ρ') text = text.replace('ϑ', 'θ') text = text.replace('‟', '"') text = text.replace('ꝙ', 'q') text = text.replace('ꝛ', 'r') text = text.replace('Ꝙ', 'Q') text = text.replace('Ꝛ', 'R') text = text.replace('ꝓ', 'p') text = text.replace('Ꝑ', 'P') text = text.replace('🄰', 'A') text = text.replace('🄱', 'B') text = text.replace('🄲', 'C') text = text.replace('🄳', 'D') text = text.replace('🄴', 'E') text = text.replace('🄵', 'F') text = text.replace('🄶', 'G') text = text.replace('🄷', 'H') text = text.replace('🄸', 'I') text = text.replace('🄹', 'J') text = text.replace('🄺', 'K') text = text.replace('🄻', 'L') text = text.replace('🄼', 'M') text = text.replace('🄽', 'N') text = text.replace('🄾', 'O') text = text.replace('🄿', 'P') text = text.replace('🅀', 'Q') text = text.replace('🅁', 'R') text = text.replace('🅂', 'S') text = text.replace('🅃', 'T') text = text.replace('🅄', 'U') text = text.replace('🅅', 'V') text = text.replace('🅆', 'W') text = text.replace('🅇', 'X') text = text.replace('🅈', 'Y') text = text.replace('🅉', 'Z') text = text.replace('⸢', '[') text = text.replace('⸣', ']') text = text.replace('⸤', '[') text = text.replace('⌋', ']') text = text.replace('⌈', '[') text = text.replace('⸥', ']') text = text.replace('⁄', '/') text = text.replace('µ', 'μ') return text
[docs] def harmonise_unicode(text: str, harmonise_functions: Tuple[Callable[[str], str]] = ( harmonise_punctuation, harmonise_miscellaneous_symbols, harmonise_ligatures)) -> str: """Harmonise unicode characters. Note: This function takes an ``NFC`` string and returns an ``NFC`` string. Args: text (str): The text to harmonise. harmonise_functions (tuple): A tuple of functions to apply to the text. Each function should take an NFC string as input and return an NFC string as output. harmonise_space_chars (bool): Whether to harmonise space characters. Returns: str: The harmonised text (an ``NFC`` string). """ for function in harmonise_functions: text = function(text) return harmonise_spaces(text)
[docs] def get_all_chars_from_range(start: str, end: str) -> str: """Get all characters from a range of unicode characters. Args: start (str): The first character in the range. end (str): The last character in the range. Returns: str: A string containing all characters in the range. """ return ''.join([chr(ordinal) for ordinal in range(ord(start), ord(end) + 1)])
[docs] def get_all_chars_from_ranges(ranges: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> str: """Get all characters from a list of ranges of unicode characters. Args: ranges (list): A list of tuples of unicode characters ranges. Returns: str: A string containing all characters in the ranges. """ return ''.join([get_all_chars_from_range(start, end) for start, end in ranges])
CHARSETS_RANGES = { 'latin': [('A', 'Z'), ('a', 'z'), ('\u00C0', '\u00FF'), ('\u0152', '\u0152'), ('\u0153', '\u0153')], 'greek': [('\u0386', '\u038A'), ('\u038C', '\u038C'), ('\u038E', '\u03A1'), ('\u03A3', '\u03E1'), # standard greek, no coptic/separate diacritics ('\u1F00', '\u1F15'), ('\u1F18', '\u1F1D'), ('\u1F20', '\u1F45'), ('\u1F48', '\u1F4D'), # polytonic greek... ('\u1F50', '\u1F57'), ('\u1F59', '\u1F59'), ('\u1F5B', '\u1F5B'), ('\u1F5D', '\u1F5D'), ('\u1F5F', '\u1F7D'), ('\u1F80', '\u1FB4'), ('\u1FB6', '\u1FBC'), ('\u1FBE', '\u1FBE'), ('\u1FC2', '\u1FC4'), ('\u1FC6', '\u1FCC'), ('\u1FD0', '\u1FD3'), ('\u1FD6', '\u1FDB'), ('\u1FE0', '\u1FEC'), ('\u1FF2', '\u1FF4'), ('\u1FF6', '\u1FFC'), ('\u2126', '\u2126'), ('\u0300', '\u0300'), ('\u0301', '\u0301'), ('\u0313', '\u0313'), ('\u0314', '\u0314'), ('\u0345', '\u0345'), ('\u0342', '\u0342'), ('\u0308', '\u0308'), ('·', '·'), ('\u0384', '\u0384')], 'numeral': [('0', '9')], 'punctuation': [('\u0020', '\u002F'), ('\u003A', '\u003F'), ('\u005B', '\u0060'), ('\u007B', '\u007E'), ('\u00A8', '\u00A8'), ('\u00B7', '\u00B7')] } CHARSETS_CHARS_NFC = {charset: get_all_chars_from_ranges(ranges) for charset, ranges in CHARSETS_RANGES.items()} CHARSETS_CHARS_NFD = {charset: ''.join(set(unicodedata.normalize('NFD', charset_chars))) for charset, charset_chars in CHARSETS_CHARS_NFC.items()} CHARSETS_PATTERNS = {charset: re.compile(rf'[{charset_chars}]', re.UNICODE) for charset, charset_chars in CHARSETS_CHARS_NFC.items()}
[docs] def chunk_string_by_charsets(string: str, fallback: str = 'latin'): """Chunk a string by character set, returning a list of tuples of the form (chunk, charset). Example: >>> chunk_string_by_charsets('Hello Γειά σου Κόσμε World') [('Hello ', 'latin'), ('Γειά σου Κόσμε ', 'greek'), ('World', 'latin')] Args: string (str): The string to chunk. Returns: list: A list of tuples of the form (chunk, charset). """ chunks = [] chunk = string[0] chunk_charset = get_char_charset(chunk, fallback=fallback) for char in string[1:]: char_charset = get_char_charset(char, fallback=fallback) if any([re.match(r'\s', char), char_charset == chunk_charset]): chunk += char else: chunks.append((chunk, chunk_charset)) chunk, chunk_charset = char, char_charset chunks.append((chunk, chunk_charset)) return chunks
[docs] def get_char_charset(char: str, fallback: str = 'fallback') -> str: """Returns the charset of a character, if any, ``fallback`` otherwise.""" for charset_name, charset_chars in CHARSETS_CHARS_NFC.items(): if char in charset_chars: return charset_name else: return fallback
[docs] def get_string_charset(string: str, fallback: str = 'latin') -> str: """Returns the charset of a string, if any, ``fallback`` otherwise.""" charsets = [get_char_charset(char, fallback=fallback) for char in string] return max(set(charsets), key=charsets.count)
[docs] def count_chars_by_charset(string: str, charset: str) -> int: """Counts the number of chars by unicode characters set. Example: ``count_chars_by_charset('γεια σας, world', 'greek')`` returns ``7`` as there are 7 greek chars in ``string``. Args: string: a NFC-normalized string (default). For NFD-normalized strings, use ``count_chars_by_charset_nfd``. charset: should be ``'greek'``, ``'latin'``, ``'numeral'``, ``'punctuation'``. Returns: int: the number of charset-matching characters in ``string``. """ return sum([c in CHARSETS_CHARS_NFC[charset] for c in string])
[docs] def count_chars_by_charset_nfd(string: str, charset: str) -> int: """Counts the number of chars by unicode characters set. Example: ``count_chars_by_charset('γεια σας, world', 'greek')`` returns ``7`` as there are 7 greek chars in ``string``. Args: string: a NFD-normalized string. For NFC-normalized strings, use ``count_chars_by_charset``. charset: should be ``'greek'``, ``'latin'``, ``'numeral'``, ``'punctuation'``. Returns: int: the number of charset-matching characters in ``string``. """ return sum([c in CHARSETS_CHARS_NFD[charset] for c in string])
[docs] def is_charset_string(string: str, charset: str, threshold: float = 0.5, strict: bool = True) -> bool: """Returns True if more than ``threshold`` of chars in string are in ``charset``, False otherwise. Args: string: self explanatory charset: should be ``'greek'``, ``'latin'``, ``'numeral'``, ``'punctuation'`` or a valid ``re``-pattern, for instance ``r'([\u00F4-\u00FF])'`` threshold: the threshold above which the function returns True strict: if True, only chars in ``charset`` are considered, if False, chars in ``charset``, ``'numeral'`` and ``'punctuation'`` are considered. """ if strict: return safe_divide(count_chars_by_charset(string=string, charset=charset), len(string)) >= threshold else: return safe_divide(sum(count_chars_by_charset(string, charset_) for charset_ in [charset, 'numeral', 'punctuation']), len(string)) >= threshold
[docs] def is_charset_string_nfd(string: str, charset: str, threshold: float = 0.5, strict: bool = True) -> bool: """Returns True if more than ``threshold`` of chars in string are in ``charset``, False otherwise. Args: string: a NFD-normalized string. For NFC-normalized strings, use ``is_charset_string``. charset: should be ``'greek'``, ``'latin'``, ``'numeral'``, ``'punctuation'``. threshold: the threshold above which the function returns True strict: if True, only chars in ``charset`` are considered, if False, chars in ``charset``, ``'numeral'`` and ``'punctuation'`` are considered. """ if strict: return count_chars_by_charset_nfd(string=string, charset=charset) / len(string) >= threshold else: return sum(count_chars_by_charset_nfd(string, charset_) for charset_ in [charset, 'numeral', 'punctuation']) / len(string) >= threshold
[docs] def get_char_unicode_name(char: str) -> str: """Returns the unicode name of a character.""" try: return except: return ''
[docs] def remove_diacritics(s: str) -> str: """ Removes diacritical marks via NFKD normalization and recombination. Useful for building search indexes (and searching against them). Example: >>> remove_diacritics("μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά") 'μηνιν αειδε θεα' """ nfkd_form = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", s) return "".join([c for c in nfkd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)])